- Are dogs going to Heaven?
- I don`t know, I don`t know if there is any Heaven at all.
- You must keep the faith... I`m scared. Help me!
- ...
- Stop crying, you are scaring me even worse.
- I don`t know what to do. The needle in your paw helps you... this nice doctor is helping you.
- Remember when I ran away from you `cuz my paws were frozen?
- Hell yeah!! And I thought my parents were going to kill me because of you.
- I know, that`s why I did it. I was 4 months old. I was unable to defend you... and you were walking in that park as if you were queen of the place, with so many nasty dogs around you...
- Oh, I see it now, you were jealous!
- It hurts... again!
- I think you will go to Heaven!
- Not yet... I`ve got plenty of things to do. Not just yet...
- I`m not ready for this either, not now.
- Don`t worry, I promise I will be strong.
- I trust you... even if you`re a dog.
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