duminică, 31 martie 2013

Coup de foudre

- Buna seara, domnule, nu stim nici tu, nici eu
sa ne rupem de "tu tot in mine"!
Ba chiar cred c-ati plecat printr-un semineu
de iubire cruda si miros de paine.

- Doamna, nu conteaza daca te vad... sau ba,
stiu ce simti si vreau sa iau, sau vreau sa dau...
Nici eu nu stiu, sau stiu acest basm de peruzea.
In stropii de ploaie ce ma colindau.

- Semantica, domnule, nu v-am cerut si nici n-o sa va cer,
peruzele, diamante, perle, lacrimi, bucurii,
cuprinse-ntr-o inima, un giuvaier.
Un colier dansant de agonii.

Domnule, te rog, sa nu pleci din pieptul meu,
mi-ar fi groaznic de frig fara dumneata,
n-as sti sa mai ascult culorile din curcubeu...
N-as sti sa mai respir in urma ta.

vineri, 22 martie 2013

Pain and Puzzles

Pain comes from life, or from lack of it. Silence of the lamb that I am not seems pretty much impossible. Pain comes from my way of understanding how fit or unfit I am in certain circumstances. Pain is solitude and pureness. Joy is deceiving. It can practically lead you into temptation of sharing your whole with unfit people. Pain is when you chest is wide open and it snows inside of it. Or when the blood coming from your heart freezes on your belly. Pain is when you are being paralyzed and instead of dying, you realize you are not able to stop breathing. Pain is loss. I am made of small pieces that all people left inside me. I am like a puzzle made of people. Sometimes they come and take themselves back, some other times, I throw away pieces of myself. In this way I create pain, and I know I am alive. Life requires sacrifice. Pain is the constant reminder of that. I have 5 puzzle pieces left...
Never enough time...